Horario de apertura : Lunes a Viernes: 10h a 13'30h - 16'30 a 20h |
  Contacto : 971 67 77 55

Dr. Gabriel Palmer

Dr. Gabriel Palmer

Gabriel obtained his degree at Zaragoza Veterinary University

He worked in farm animal health campaigns and small animal surgery. He did several work placements in Spain and the UK. His continuous training has led him to take part in orthopaedics courses at Nantes University (France) and Spain AO, in ultrasonography in Barcelona and at Murcia University, in endoscopy and spinal surgery at Cáceres”Minimum Invasion Surgery Centre” and in many congresses connected with small animal medicine and management.

AVEPA (Spanish Small Animal veterinary Association)

He is a member of the Official College of Veterinary Surgeons of the Balearic Islands, AVEPA (Spanish Small Animal veterinary Association), BSAVA ( British Small Animal Veterinary Association) and the AVEPA’s orthopedics group. Belonging to AVEPA enabled him to hold the post of spokesman for the Balearic Islands, taking part in the organisation of courses and congresses in Majorca and Spain, finishing with the World Small Animal Veterinary Association in Granada in 2002. All these years were very intense and fruitful and gave him a chance to meet many Spanish, European and American vets and specialists, sharing knowledge with them and learning from them.

Opened the clinic in 1993

We opened the clinic in 1993 and since then we have been trying to give a wide range of veterinary services whilst remaining close to the people who visit us and place their trust in us.